How to get the most out of your PRP treatment for hair loss.

At Rejuvence Clinic we consider platelet rich plasma (PRP) to be our area of expertise and we offer cutting edge packages for hair loss. PRP is considered to be within the realms of regenerative medicine and a degree of time and patience is required before the positive effects of treatment are visible, especially when it comes to treating male and female pattern hair loss. Indeed PRP is regarded by many to be a game changer and many have experienced fantastic results. However, it is important to note that as well as many having fantastic results some clients do not always get the most out of their treatments. Below are a list of recommendations and DOs and DON’Ts to follow in order to maximise your chances of getting the most from your PRP sessions.

Pre-treatment scalp care

  • Do not colour or dye your hair for at least 1 week before your PRP treatment and for at least 1 week after your treatment. Ideally avoid all hair dyes for the duration of your PRP treatments.
  • Abstain from having hair extensions put in 1 week before and for 1 week after your PRP treatment. Excessive use of hair extensions can contribute to the development of traction alopecia, particularly if they are quite heavy and can worsen already pre-existing androgenetic alopecia.
  • Abstain from any hair treatments for at least 1 week before and 1 week after your PRP treatment, especially chemical hair straightening or keratin treatments. Ideally avoid all such treatments for the duration of your PRP treatments.
  • Do not apply any oils, serums or minoxidil for at least 2 days before your PRP treatment and for at least 24hours afterwards. Residual products in the scalp can inadvertently affect the PRP preparations and limit it’s ultimate effect.
  • Wash your hair with a good quality shampoo and conditioner every night for 1 week prior to your PRP treatment.

Dietary Preparation

  • For 2 days prior to PRP treatment ensure you consume at least 3 of the following fruits : bananas, berries, mangoes, citrus fruit and/or pineapples. These should not be combined into a juice or smoothie
  • For 2 days prior to PRP treatment ensure you consume 5 of the following vegetables : kale, spinach, sweet potato, carrot, beetroot, broccoli, asparagus, green beans, peas, dark coloured lettuce. These should not be combined into a juice or smoothie.
  • Generally remain well hydrated and ensure you drink approximately 2 to 2.5 litres of water per day. Do not drink less than this and also avoid drinking much more than this
  • Avoid the following foods for 2 days prior to your PRP treatment if possible: bread, pasta, rice, breakfast cereals, pastries, pies, fatty meats such as mince meat, sausages, kebab meat or fried meat, curries, excessive spices, fried foods, sugar rich soft drinks and sweets
  • Avoid ALCOHOL
  • Avoid all caffeinated drinks including drinks such as Redbull and pre-gym work out products, as well as coffee and caffeinated sugary drinks.
  • Avoid SMOKING .
  • Avoid the following medications: aspirin (will be discussed in depth at your initial consultation), non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen, neurofen, and naproxen and fish oil supplements.
  • WARFARIN and new DIRECT ORAL ANTICOAGULANTS are contraindications to PRP treatment. Those on such medications are not suitable for PRP treatment.

General Recommendations

  • Ensure you get good amounts of sleep for at least 2 days prior to PRP treatment. This includes at least 6-7 hours of sleep per night.
  • Avoid going to the gym for at least 24 hours before and 24 hours after your PRP treatment.
  • Please notify the clinic of any acute illnesses that occur within 2 days of your PRP treatment. For effective PRP treatment you should not be on any antibiotics.
  • Please continue all your normal medications as per usual prior to and after your PRP treatment. If you have any queries or concerns please ensure you discuss this with us at your consultation.

By adhering to the recommendations above clients are likely to maximise benefits from their PRP treatments. At Rejuvence Clinic we are always striving to provide our clients with the best possible outcomes. Help us to help you. For further details regarding our PRP treatments and to book an appointment visit our website at:

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